11) Imports & Exports

📖 Lecture

This week, we’ll talk about concepts and functions that have to do with so-called input(s)-output(s), or simply put, with importing and exporting operations. For example:

  • how to import a data table
  • how to export a data table
  • how to export a graphic to an image file
  • how to export function outputs to external files

🎯 Objectives

At the end of this week you will be able to:

  • Import tables with read.table() and derived functions: read.csv(), read.delim(), etc
  • Use the sink() function to export output to external files
  • Provide an example for how to export an image with png() or jpeg() or pdf()
  • Describe the mechanics that R uses for reading-in data

📚 Reading


🔬 Lab

Work with some basic examples to import and export resources.